From Seasonal Praise to Unwavering Worship

This blog reflects on the importance of maintaining a constant relationship with God, rather than treating it as a seasonal one. The speaker confesses their own guilt of turning to God only during moments of sorrow and not during moments of joy. The author highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding us in our daily lives and maintaining an intimate relationship with God. The speaker encourages the audience to resist the temptation of worldly pleasures and keep their focus on God at all times, recognizing their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. The blog concludes with a prayer for peace and joy in a constant relationship with God, and for the strength to resist temptation and stay focused on the Lord.

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The Power of Parables: Understanding God's Message

This blog explores the significance of parables in our spiritual journey and how they help us understand the message of God. The speaker, a mother, shares her personal experiences and insights on the journey of faith and how it has helped her understand the power of parables. The blog highlights the challenges and obstacles that we face in our faith journey and how we must remain focused on what we understand, rather than what we don't. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having faith in ourselves and in God, and how this faith can help us overcome life's challenges. The author concludes with a call to live our lives in a way that honors God and brings glory to His name.

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From Mediocre to Greatness: My Journey of Trusting in Jesus

In this blog, the speaker reflects on their own personal journey from settling for mediocrity in relationships, jobs, and other areas of life, to embracing the greatness that Jesus has in store for them. The speaker shares their story of being in a relationship with a man who was good-looking and had a great body but was a terrible listener, and how they ended up as a single parent after trying to have his child. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not settling for mediocre relationships or jobs, and encourages the audience to trust in Jesus and his plan for their lives. They also encourage the audience to pursue their passions and not be afraid to take a leap of faith, just like they did when starting their own business. The speaker encourages the audience to strive for greatness and live the life that God has intended for them.

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From Negative Mindset to Abundant Living: A Journey with Jesus

This post is about the impact of negative thoughts on our lives and how we can overcome them with the help of Jesus. The speaker shares their personal experience of struggling with negative thoughts and self-destructive behavior and how turning to Jesus was the key to finding joy and peace. The author emphasizes the importance of being grateful for what we have and avoiding a negative mindset, as our faith in Jesus determines what we see, feel, and have in life. The speaker encourages the audience to give their life to Jesus and trust in themselves and Him to live a life of abundance and blessings. The post concludes with a call to action to learn to praise Jesus for everything, no matter how small, and to believe that with Him in our lives, we are closer to living out our dreams.

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The Healing Cast of Jesus: Trusting in His Love and Grace

The post is a first-person sermon that focuses on the love of Jesus being like a cast over our lives. The author shares their personal experience of accepting their brokenness and the comfort that they have found in Jesus. They explain how Jesus does not require perfection from us but instead wants to be the healing cast in our lives. They draw an analogy between a broken limb and how it takes time and patience for the bone to heal and become whole again, just like how we must give Jesus time to heal us. The author encourages their listeners to give their brokenness to Jesus, trust in His love and grace, and be patient while He works in their lives. The post suggests that when we allow Jesus to be the cast over our lives, we can become whole again and experience the fullness of His love and grace. The post concludes with a prayer asking for God's help in being patient and trusting in His perfect timing to heal our brokenness.

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Breaking Free from Labels: Embracing Your Unique Identity

This blog is about not being defined by our weaknesses or the negative labels given to us by the world. The author shares their personal experience of being dyslexic and having been diagnosed with depression, multiple personality disorder, and borderline schizophrenia. They discuss how they have learned to cope with these labels, and how they have overcome the negative mindset that once held them back. The author emphasizes the importance of not allowing these labels to hinder us and instead, finding ways to let them go and not be mentally controlled by the box that the world has put us in. They offer tips and resources to help others who may be struggling with similar challenges. The blog encourages readers to find their hustle and chase their dreams, and to turn to God for answers and healing.

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Don't Give Up on Your Dreams: The Power of Manifestation

This blog is a motivational piece that encourages the reader to pursue their dreams and live a fulfilling life. The author emphasizes the importance of investing in one's dreams and not waiting for the world to hand them to you. The author also shares personal experiences and lessons learned from mentors and successful individuals, such as RazB and Marianne Williamson, to illustrate the power of manifestation. The blog also touches on the importance of believing in oneself, finding one's tribe, and using one's talents to bring their dreams to life. The author leaves the reader with tips on manifesting their dreams, including placing faith in their talents, building a support system, and taking action towards their goals. Overall, this blog serves as a source of inspiration for anyone looking to bring their aspirations to fruition.

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Learning to Focus on the Positive: My Story of Transformation

This post is a reflection on the writer's journey and growth in understanding that not every day will be a great or good day. They have learned to focus on the positive rather than the negative and have developed ways to deal with stress and challenges in life. The writer shares a personal experience of how they used to struggle with temper tantrums and grudges, but through God's grace and mercy, they have been able to overcome these struggles. They encourage others to do the same and focus on the positive, give their problems to God, never give up on themselves and their dreams, and invest in themselves. In conclusion, the writer emphasizes the importance of finding peace and never losing hope, even when faced with difficult situations.

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Overcoming Adversity: My Journey to Pursuing My Dreams

This post is a personal story of perseverance and determination. The author shares their journey of overcoming obstacles and pursuing their dreams. Growing up with a strong determination, the author pursued their passion for photography and eventually started a photo shop with a friend. However, life took them to New York City with a new dream in their heart, where they started a nonprofit to promote mental health and pursuing one's dreams. Despite facing challenges, including a previous felony and difficulty finding employment, the author never gave up on their dreams. They eventually found a job through determination and persistence, which led them to meet their husband and some of their best friends. The author also shares their struggles with depression and self-doubt and the importance of forgiveness in their journey. They encourage others to never give up on their dreams, focus on their future, and let go of hindrances that are holding them back.

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The Power of Forgiveness: My Walk with the Holy Spirit

The author emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of past hurt and anger, as holding on to these emotions hinders personal growth and relationships. The author concludes by expressing gratitude for the changes they have seen in their life since connecting with the Holy Spirit and encourages others to pursue a closer relationship with the Lord.

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Success Beyond Worldly Standards: The Key to Lasting Happiness

The post emphasizes that success should not be defined by external factors such as material possessions and recognition from others. The author reflects on their own experiences and acknowledges that they once sought validation from the world's standards of success but realized that true success is found within oneself. True success is a state of mind that allows an individual to find happiness, peace, and joy in their life and appreciate the good in others. The post encourages readers to strive for this kind of success, not be defined by the world's perspective, and to find peace and happiness within themselves.

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A Journey Through Miscarriage: My Experience with Physical Trauma

This blog is a personal account of the author's experience with a miscarriage. The author was not mentally prepared for the physical trauma they endured, as they had never experienced a miscarriage before. Despite expecting only cramps and heavy bleeding, the author went through full-blown labor that lasted for five hours. The pain was so intense that the author felt like they wanted to die. The emotional toll of going through labor without a baby at the end is described as indescribable. The author expresses gratitude for having made it through the experience but acknowledges that it was not easy. The author learned something new from the experience and never wants to experience it again. The author also shares that although they were focused on the Lord, they were not able to praise Him during the pain.

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The Power of Self-Care: Navigating the Emotional Turmoil of Miscarriage

Losing a pregnancy can be a devastating experience, but with the right support and self-care, it is possible to find hope and healing. This blog explores the journey of coping with a miscarriage, offering practical tips for taking care of yourself and navigating the emotional turmoil that often comes with this loss. From allowing yourself to grieve, seeking support, and finding ways to honor your loss, to the importance of self-care and being patient with yourself, this blog provides a comprehensive guide to help you find hope and healing after a miscarriage. Whether you're looking for a way to cope with your own loss or looking to support a loved one, this blog offers a compassionate and understanding approach to one of life's most challenging experiences.

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Following the Light: How David Tutera Restored My Joy

This blog is a personal reflection on the impact that celebrity wedding planner, David Tutera, has had on the author's life. The author discovered David's show, "My Fair Wedding," during a difficult time in their life and found comfort in watching him bring joy to brides. A few years later, the author had the opportunity to meet David in person and their relationship grew from there. The author sees David as a mentor, friend, and a reflection of the love of Jesus Christ. The blog concludes with the message that one should never stop dreaming and to follow the light wherever it may lead. The author encourages readers to choose love and to be more like Christ and David, spreading joy and hope to others.

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Victory in the Midst of the Battle: My Journey Through the Court System

In this blog, the author shares their personal journey as they navigate the court system in a fight for justice. Despite the challenges they face and the rigidity of the system, they remain overjoyed and thankful for what God has already done for them. The author also encourages readers to keep fighting, even in the face of difficult circumstances, and to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength. Through their experiences, the author emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and trusting in God's grace and mercy. This blog serves as a testimony to the power of faith and the importance of perseverance in the pursuit of justice.

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Reflecting on Your Past - A Journey of Self-Discovery

The blog is focused on the importance of reflection and taking the time to look back on one's past experiences. The author argues that by reflecting on the past, they are able to appreciate where they are now and what they have overcome. They claim that the hardships they once faced are now their testimonies and that looking back can bring them joy as they move forward. The author also acknowledges that there may be negative experiences that need to be addressed, but warns against letting them control one's present or future. Instead, the author encourages readers to embrace reflection and to not be afraid to find answers to questions about their past.

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