The Power of Self-Care: Navigating the Emotional Turmoil of Miscarriage
Yesterday was unexpected, but I still choose to rejoice. I learned that I had an anembryonic pregnancy, a non-viable fertilized egg, and my body is now miscarrying. This was an unexpected pregnancy, and I cried a few times when I found out. But I trust that God has a plan and timing for everything.
I believe in being real and authentic on social media. I hope that even the low tides in my life can inspire someone else. The devil tries to steal my joy, but I choose to walk in love and find joy in my current circumstances.
As a mother of two young sons and with a court case to focus on, not to mention a documentary series and workshops with my mother, I believe this was a test from God to see my willingness to sacrifice for another child. Parenting is hard work and requires many sacrifices, but I was willing to make them. However, I believe that God knows what I need and is creating opportunities for me, opportunities I've been praying for a long time.
The devil may try to steal my joy, but I choose to trust in God's plan and find joy in my current circumstances. I know that everything happens for a reason and that God's timing is perfect. I choose to rejoice and be grateful for the blessings in my life, no matter what challenges I may face.