2023 Is Looking Different

This blog is written in the first person and focuses on the belief that in 2023, God will give the world a new group of disciples who will be known by their names. The author believes that these apostles will be blessed with the power of God to heal nations, cast out evil spirits, and lead lost sheep out of darkness. The author also believes that most people place their faith in themselves and the world rather than God and that this is why there are few people who are anointed with the Holy Spirit. The author believes that 2023 will be a different year, with God's army rising, and that most of God's apostles and faithful disciples will step out of prison within the next two years. The author encourages readers to cast their cares to the Lord and ask the Holy Ghost to take over their life so that they can stand in the presence of God himself.

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Blessings Upon Blessings: A Journey with God

The author reflects on the journey of their faith and God's plans for their life in 2023. They believe that God is separating the good from the bad and that one's blessings will increase if they start forgiving others and praying for them. The author mentions Exodus 20:5 and the impact it had on them regarding the effects of sin passed down through generations. The author encourages readers to pay attention and have faith in God's plans, and to strive to love their neighbors.

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My Journey with God: The Importance of the Holy Spirit

In this personal blog, the writer reflects on their journey with God and the profound impact that the Holy Spirit has had on their relationship with the Lord. The writer notes that 2023 will be different for those who truly seek to know God and be known by Him through the presence of the Holy Spirit. The writer shares how they have been blessed with the anointing of the Holy Spirit a few months prior and have experienced a deeper connection to God, hearing His voice and being filled with gratitude in His presence. The writer concludes by referencing Luke 6:23-25 and reminding readers to rejoice and leap for joy, but to also be mindful of their blessings and seek a deeper relationship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit.

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My Stubbornness Fuels My Drive Towards My Success.

In this personal blog, the writer reflects on their own experiences with stubbornness and the perspectives that come with it. They discuss how stubbornness can either work for or against a person, and share their own journey of growing up angry with different aspects of the world and their own life. The writer talks about how they were blessed to understand the difference between mental health and spiritual warfare, and how the devil can use people to attack and steal joy. The writer emphasizes that stubbornness should not be used to hold grudges, but instead be used to push towards personal dreams and aspirations. The writer emphasizes the importance of love and forgiveness, and shares their newfound commitment to walking in the love of God and giving unconditional love to others. They end the blog by forgiving those they may have hurt and praying for their release from unpleasant spirits.

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Take a Minute to Laugh Today

The blog encourages readers to focus on positivity and gratitude during the holiday season. It highlights the benefits of incorporating humor into our lives, such as reducing stress and improving mood. The author also stresses the importance of choosing to react positively to the negativity around us and spreading love and light to those in need. Additionally, the author reminds readers to find gratitude in the little things and appreciate the good in life. The author concludes by encouraging readers to take a moment to laugh, allow peace and joy into their hearts, and spread love and positivity to those around them.

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New Year, New You: The Importance of Changing Behaviors in 2023

This blog focuses on the importance of changing one's mindset and behavior in order to see positive results and blessings in life. It emphasizes the idea that continuing to do the same things over and over again while expecting different outcomes is not productive. The author encourages readers to make a change now, rather than waiting for a new year or event to do so. They suggest that by focusing on improving relationships with the Holy Spirit and letting go of grudges, anger, and negative thoughts, one can become more like God and experience the blessings that come with this transformation. The author also offers five tips for changing one's mindset and behavior in order to achieve this goal.

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Reflections on Joy and Gratitude

The blog on "Obtaining Joy and Gratitude" provides five practical tips for readers to increase their sense of joy and gratitude in their daily lives. The tips focus on shifting the focus from negativity and hardships to positivity and blessings, practicing gratitude, connecting with nature, surrounding oneself with positive relationships, and finding purpose in life. The blog aims to inspire and encourage readers to adopt these habits in order to experience a more fulfilling and joyful life.

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My Testimony To Embracing My Gifts and Living My Dreams

In this blog, the author reflects on the past few months and expresses gratitude to God for everything they have been able to achieve. The author recounts their journey, which involved letting go of their fears and beliefs that were holding them back, and learning to listen to others and forgive them. They acknowledge that their lack of confidence was due to the negative voices in their head from past experiences and the influence of naysayers in their life. The author encourages others to believe in themselves and the gifts God has given them, and to pursue their desires and dreams with confidence. They thank their supporters and mentors, including David Tutera, Bishop Hezekiah Walker, and Marianne Williamson, among others. The author is now working on editing the documentary they were a part of, and they express their gratitude for everyone who has supported them thus far.

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The Power of a Positive Mindset: Overcoming Life's Challenges

The blog "The Power of a Positive Mindset: Overcoming Life's Challenges" focuses on the idea that our mindset has a powerful impact on how we experience life and its challenges. The author emphasizes the importance of embracing a positive outlook and maintaining a faith-filled perspective, even when life presents difficulties. The blog provides five tips for developing and maintaining a positive mindset, including practicing gratitude, surrounding oneself with positivity, reframing negative thoughts, embracing challenges, and practicing mindfulness. The overarching message of the blog is that with a positive mindset and faith, we have the power to overcome life's challenges and reach our full potential.

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Unleashing Your True Potential: Discovering Your Purpose in Life

"Unleashing Your True Potential: Discovering Your Purpose in Life" is a blog that focuses on helping individuals uncover their innate talents and passions, and using them to lead a fulfilling life. The blog provides guidance and practical advice on how to discover one's purpose and make the most of their unique strengths and abilities. The aim of the blog is to inspire and empower individuals to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential, ultimately leading to a more satisfying and meaningful life.

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Tips for a Mentally Healthy Spirit

This blog provides tips and insights for maintaining a mentally healthy spirit. It highlights the importance of seeking God's presence, recognizing the calling on one's life, and being mindful of the physical and spiritual battles that must be fought in order to achieve mental wellness. The author reflects on their own journey and shares how their experiences have equipped them to help others who are struggling with loss, abuse, incarceration, drug addiction, mental health, and single parenthood. The blog encourages readers to embrace their journey and be obedient to God, even if it means being "crazy" in the eyes of society. The goal is to empower readers to achieve a mentally healthy spirit through a combination of faith, self-awareness, and resilience.

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The Devil Tried Me, But I Won the Battle

The blog "The Devil Tried Me, But I Won the Battle" explores the struggles that come with feeling like the world is against you. The author reflects on a day when they felt overwhelmed by the Devil's attacks, but they soon remembered that they are protected by the Holy Spirit. The blog argues that not every battle is ours to fight, and when we trust in God's protection, we can face any challenge with confidence. The author encourages readers to use their challenges as opportunities to share their testimony and show others the power of God's love. Through reflecting on their own experiences, the author demonstrates how faith and reliance on the Holy Spirit can provide the strength and wisdom needed to overcome life's difficulties.

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