Blessings Upon Blessings: A Journey with God

As I reflect on my journey with God, I am constantly in awe of His plans for my life, especially in 2023. I am certain that this year will be filled with blessings upon blessings and that our prayers are being answered.

One thing that I have come to understand is that God is separating the fish. This means that there will be changes in our lives, including losing friends, partners, or even children to the world. This can be difficult to accept, but it is important to trust in God's plan and understand that He knows what is best for us.

Recently, I was reminded of Exodus 20:5, which says that the sins of the fathers will be passed along to the third and fourth generations. This verse hit me differently when the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for my oldest son's father. I was reminded that as parents, our actions and choices can have a lasting impact on our children. The sad truth is that more and more children are being raised in broken homes because we do not see sin in things like having sex outside of marriage or having broken families.

I know that in order for me to be forgiven, I must first start forgiving and praying for others. This means loving my neighbor and being obedient to God's commands. By doing so, I know that my blessings will be unstoppable in 2023.

Let us embrace this journey with God and trust in His plans for us. Let us be open to the changes that may come and have faith that everything will work out for our good. Here's to a blessed 2023!


2023 Is Looking Different


My Journey with God: The Importance of the Holy Spirit