Don't Give Up on Your Dreams: The Power of Manifestation
Today, I want to delve into the power of manifestation during our darkest moments. This message is for those of you who are currently weathering a storm and seeking a glimmer of hope. I am sharing my testimony with you today because I have been through my own trials and tribulations, and I know that there are still more storms to come. But God has told me to remind you that in the midst of your storm, focus on your blessings.
Why? When you concentrate on the things you already know God has in store for you, based on your deepest desires, you start to bring forth a brighter future. Some of you may be feeling discouraged because life doesn't seem to be changing and everything seems to be getting harder. You may feel like no one understands your pain. Let me tell you, there are plenty of people who have walked in your shoes, who have been through what you're going through. But God wants you to go to Him, to trust in Him and focus on Him. Don't pray about it and then go to the world and complain about it. Doing so only confuses the Devil and God, leaving you stuck in the storm, waiting for a savior and drowning in depression.
Depression is a prevalent issue in our society today. Kids, adults, even those on social media who seem to have it all, are struggling with it. I believe that a large portion of those who find themselves in constant storms are experiencing unfulfilled dreams. You may have given up on your dreams due to self-doubt, criticism from others, or because you felt that you had to live up to certain expectations. But once you've achieved those expectations, you realize that accolades don't guarantee happiness. Your joy is tied to the accomplishment of your objectives and the mental conditioning to achieve success, not to the accolades themselves.
In the midst of your storm, no matter what it may be, you have the power to manifest miracles. The Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. We often hear about miraculous events happening when people or their loved ones are facing tragedy. Like the mother who somehow finds the strength to lift a car and save her children. At that moment, she had to believe in the impossible, and the impossible is God. Some may argue otherwise, but when faced with death, even nonbelievers turn to God. And we hear testimonies of people who only believed when they had no other choice.
I've realized that I manifested many things during my own storms. In prison, I manifested being mentored by David Tutera, and he is now my mentor. When I left my abusive relationship, I jokingly told my son's father that I was going to leave him and find a white man who loved me deeply and would give our son the best life ever. I didn't know that God was listening and putting things into place. When I was facing a potential life sentence in prison, I told God that I wouldn't mind going to prison, but I couldn't do more than five years. And guess what, the judge gave me exactly five years. My mother often says that I should have asked God to just let me come home. Prison wasn't easy, but I'm grateful for the experience and I have two white women who were incarcerated with me, who will tell you the same.
I probably have more faith in myself than most people do. I am not afraid to take risks when it comes to investing in my dreams. Sometimes, I lose those investments, and sometimes I see the return in a different form, years later.
The moral of the story is to never give up on your dreams. If you feel like giving up, it's time to stop waiting for the world to hand you what you want and start manifesting it yourself. If you're not living your dream yet, it's because you're not investing enough in it. Remember, pursuing your dreams doesn't make life easier, but it does give you more control over your emotions, depression, and anxiety. If life is already tough, now is the perfect time to chase your dreams. We live in a world where it's not just about money. Invest your time, be willing to work for free, and find joy in the journey.
I learned a lot from RazB during the pandemic. He's someone I manifested into my life after meeting him through someone else. God put it on my heart to become his personal assistant and today I am one of many but definitely the closest one. Marianne Williamson also manifested a relationship, as she ran for president in the 2020 election. Last night, I finally got to meet the amazing Queen Melinda Santiago, who is an author and manager. I met her through Raz but we never got to meet in person until now. Meeting these people who make things happen is so educational and inspiring.
So, I encourage you to manifest your future. All the miracles you're waiting for can be achieved if you start believing in yourself more. Put the same faith you have in God into your talents, because He didn't give them to you for no reason. Don't let anyone else determine your worth. I promise you that there's an audience out there for everyone, but I'm not trying to reach the masses. I want to find my tribe and serve those who appreciate me and what I bring to the table. Just believe in yourself and your tribe will provide.
Love this quote from "Fields of Dreams": "If you build it, they will come." If you use your talents, God will provide for your needs. I have many talents and I plan to use them all before I leave this earth. That's why I think I'll live a very long life.
Tips To Manifesting
Believe in yourself: The first and most important step in manifesting your dream is to believe in yourself and your abilities. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.
Visualize your goal: Spend time every day visualizing yourself living your dream. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
Take action: Merely thinking about your goal is not enough, you need to take action to make it a reality. Set achievable goals and take consistent steps towards your dream.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you and your dream.
Stay persistent: Manifesting your dream is not a one-time event. It requires consistent effort, perseverance, and determination. Don't give up, even if it seems like it's taking a long time.
Practice gratitude: Be thankful for what you have and appreciate the journey, not just the destination.
Let go of limiting beliefs: Don't let self-doubt, fear, or negative beliefs hold you back from manifesting your dream.
Get creative: Be creative and come up with new and innovative ways to achieve your goal. Don't be afraid to try new things or take risks.
Find a mentor or coach: Find someone who has already achieved what you want and learn from their experiences.
Stay focused: Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused on your goal. Avoid distractions and stay committed to making your dream a reality.