Learning to Focus on the Positive: My Story of Transformation

As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful to have reached a point in my life where I have realized that not every day is going to be a great day, or even a good day. It took me a long time to understand this and even now, I still struggle with this concept when I am triggered. However, I have learned to focus on the positive instead of the negative. I wake up mentally prepared for a few challenges throughout my day, but I have already made the conscious decision to give my problems to God when stress arises.

One thing that helps me put things into perspective is observing my son, who is just a toddler. No matter how much I give him, whether it’s my time, more toys, or food, minutes after getting one thing, he’ll want something else. If he doesn’t get it, he’ll have a meltdown. I have to remind myself not to act like my son and break down every time something doesn’t work out my way.

Just like children, as adults, we also have our own way of acting out. If something doesn’t work out our way, we can get grumpy, take it out on people who had nothing to do with our anger, and make our day worse than it needs to be. This behavior is rooted in frustration, depression, or anxiety.

I used to be very good at throwing my own temper tantrums when I didn’t get my way. I would take it out on others, even if they had nothing to do with the situation, just because I wanted to make sure others didn’t have the same experience as me. I held grudges for years, and I was mad at family members who couldn’t change what they said or did to me as a child. I was also mad at white people for not acknowledging their role in social oppression, and I hated police officers for the death of my father and the system that helped cover it up. For a long time I allowed the hurt and anger I held on to, to lead me straight into some storms that I probably didn’t have to face but I did cause my own ignorance.

But through God’s grace and mercy, I always walked out of these situations unscathed, much like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. You wouldn’t be able to tell that I had been through these struggles just by looking at me, as I am not marked by my experiences. I am sharing my story to encourage those who feel stuck in a storm and need a little guidance towards the light.

For those who are stuck in depression and may have lost hope and given up on themselves and their dreams, I am here to say don’t give up. Keep pushing through the pain, because I promise you that peace awaits on the other side. I may not have a lot of money, but I invest in myself and my dreams. If I didn’t, I would still be stuck in my own storm, in my own depression, because somewhere along the line, I gave up and started blaming others for my problems.

In conclusion, I encourage you to focus on the positive, give your problems to God, and never give up on yourself and your dreams. Invest in yourself, and you will find peace on the other side.

Five Tips Towards A Positive Mindset

  1. Acknowledge that not every day will be a great day, and it is okay to struggle with this concept.

  2. Focus on the positive aspects of life and mentally prepare for challenges.

  3. Give problems and stress to a higher power, such as God, to find peace and perspective.

  4. Avoid acting like a child, throwing temper tantrums or taking out frustrations on others.

  5. Don't give up on yourself or your dreams. Invest in personal growth and find peace in the journey.


Don't Give Up on Your Dreams: The Power of Manifestation


New Rule