Success Beyond Worldly Standards: The Key to Lasting Happiness
Today I wanted to remind you how incredible you are, and if you don’t believe that it’s probably because you’re measuring your success by the world standards. I use to get frustrated and find myself in a state of depression chasing other peoples level of success. Without realizing even without the accolades I’m still a published author with a second book coming out this year, I’m a recording artist cause I’ve actually wrote and produced my entire album, I’m a producer cause I’ve help producers the musical with my mother and the documentary series I’m currently working on never mind the amount of scripts I’ve written over the years which now I know I can produce myself. I don’t want to brag but I feel so blessed even more so when I’m not chasing the world’s standards of what success looks like
It is a common human desire to strive for success in our lives. We all want to feel accomplished and recognized for our efforts. However, the world's definition of success is often limited to material possessions and external recognition. This leads us to seek validation from others and results in a temporary joy that fades quickly once the praise and recognition stop.
But true success goes beyond what the world perceives. It is the ability to find peace and happiness within oneself, regardless of external circumstances. This is the kind of success that cannot be taken away or affected by external factors. It is a state of mind that allows us to live in the present, appreciate the good in others, and love ourselves for who we are.
Contrarily, many celebrities and wealthy individuals who seem to have everything still struggle with depression and unhappiness, proving that material possessions and recognition cannot bring lasting joy. On the other hand, we see homeless people who, despite facing challenging circumstances, still find joy in life. This shows us that success is not defined by material wealth or social status, but by our ability to find happiness within ourselves.
Therefore, let us not base our success on the world's perspective. Instead, let us strive to find joy in who we are and live in the present, always searching for the good in others. Let us be confident in ourselves and find peace in our accomplishments, regardless of external recognition.
In conclusion, true success is a state of mind that allows us to find happiness within ourselves and appreciate the good in others. Let us strive for this kind of success, and may we all find peace and joy in our lives.
May God continue to bless you and everything you do, Amen.
Five Tips for Today
Define success for yourself, not based on external standards.
Find joy and peace in who you are, regardless of material possessions or recognition.
Appreciate the good in others and focus on the present moment.
Be confident in yourself and your accomplishments, even if they are not recognized by the world.
Strive for a state of mind that allows you to find happiness within yourself, rather than seeking validation from external sources.