Workshops on Police Brutality

30 Minute Workshop:

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)

    • Welcome participants and provide a brief overview of the purpose of the workshop

    • Establish ground rules for discussion and respect for all participants

  2. Defining Police Brutality (10 minutes)

    • Discuss the definition of police brutality

    • Provide real-life examples of police brutality

  3. The Impacts of Police Brutality on Black and Brown Communities (10 minutes)

    • Discuss the disproportionate effects of police brutality on Black and Brown communities

    • Discuss the impact on the community and the sense of fear and distrust it creates

  4. Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)

    • Encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences

    • Provide resources for further information and support

    • End the workshop with a call to action for change

45 Minute Workshop:

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)

    • Welcome participants and provide a brief overview of the purpose of the workshop

    • Establish ground rules for discussion and respect for all participants

  2. Defining Police Brutality (10 minutes)

    • Discuss the definition of police brutality

    • Provide real-life examples of police brutality

  3. The Impacts of Police Brutality on Black and Brown Communities (15 minutes)

    • Discuss the disproportionate effects of police brutality on Black and Brown communities

    • Discuss the impact on the community and the sense of fear and distrust it creates

    • Discuss the role of systemic racism in the perpetuation of police brutality

  4. The Mental Health Impacts of Police Brutality on Family Members (10 minutes)

    • Discuss the trauma experienced by family members who lose loved ones to police brutality

    • Discuss the need for mental health support forthese families - Discuss the role of community support in healing and recovery

      1. Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)

        • Encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences

        • Provide resources for further information and support

        • End the workshop with a call to action for change

      1 Hour Workshop:

      1. Introduction (5 minutes)

        • Welcome participants and provide a brief overview of the purpose of the workshop

        • Establish ground rules for discussion and respect for all participants

      2. Defining Police Brutality (10 minutes)

        • Discuss the definition of police brutality

        • Provide real-life examples of police brutality

      3. The Impacts of Police Brutality on Black and Brown Communities (20 minutes)

        • Discuss the disproportionate effects of police brutality on Black and Brown communities

        • Discuss the impact on the community and the sense of fear and distrust it creates

        • Discuss the role of systemic racism in the perpetuation of police brutality

        • Discuss the challenges and obstacles to addressing police brutality

      4. The Mental Health Impacts of Police Brutality on Family Members (15 minutes)

        • Discuss the trauma experienced by family members who lose loved ones to police brutality

        • Discuss the need for mental health support for these families

        • Discuss the role of community support in healing and recovery

      5. Possible Solutions to Police Brutality (10 minutes)

        • Discuss community-led solutions and advocacy efforts

        • Discuss the role of policy and legislation in addressing police brutality

        • Encourage participants to share their own ideas and solutions

      6. Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)

        • Encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences

        • Provide resources for further information and support

        • End the workshop with a call to action for change.